Monday, August 27, 2007

Brit doesn't know how to care for her children? Are you surprised?

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So what I'm hearing is that Britney's "child abuse investigation" has everything to do with the fact that she doesn't really take care of them that well. Not because they think she physically abuses them.
K-Fed might be behind all of this, is reporting, because the papers that are filed to make a complaint such as child abuse, ended up in Mark Vincent Kaplans hands today as he and K-Fed keep on with their custody battle.
I think Britney is getting the raw end of a shitty deal. I feel bad for her. She definitely should take some parenting classes, or perhaps just use some common sense, but I don't think the tots should be taken away from her...
Do you?
BTW, that's Brit shopping at Ralph's yesterday.


Anonymous said...

i think that picture is fake...the neck doesn't line up.

Anonymous said...

This picture is SO fake. You can totally tell that her face was photoshopped!

Poor Brit.