Monday, August 20, 2007


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The Donald is in the business of making money. His latest scheme includes Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and possibly Lindsay Lohan. What?
Donald Trump, who is dull and a total blowhard in the first place, has reached out to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, in hopes of casting them in his newest version of the Apprentice.
The series will be an all-star cast, not all-stars of the actual show, but all-stars as in Hollywood Divas. Pretty smart thing to do I guess, because if Britney and Paris are on a reality show together? You better believe I'm watching it.
Also a rumor: Even though Britney and Paris have had offers from The Donald, he has yet to get in touch with Lindsay Lohan.
Trump said in an interview that he would in fact be attempting to contact Lindsay Lohan, in hopes of casting her as well...

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