Monday, October 1, 2007

Ben Affleck blames others for his own shortcomings.

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Well if this isn't the fuckin kettle calling the pot black. Or however that saying goes. Ben Affleck had the nerve to say that dating Jennifer Lopez was bad for his image.
What image? Um, the last time he made a movie was in the late 90's, right? Okay, so that's a bit of an exaggeration, but he sucks. Really. He, just like Gwyneth Paltrow (they should have stayed together), is a cunt. He's supposed to be just a nasty person. And I buy it. Sure do.
Alright, alright. Here's what he had to say to Details magazine, on dating JLo:

“It was probably bad for my career (dating JLo). What happens is this sort of bleed-over from the tabloids across your movie work. You go to a movie, you only go once. But the tabloids and Internet are everywhere. You can really subsume the public image of somebody. I ended up in an unfortunate crosshair position where I was in a relationship and [the media] mostly lied and inflated a bunch of salacious stuff for the sake of selling magazines. And I paid a certain price for that. Then, in concert with some movies that didn’t work…”

Ew. He's just a moron.

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